Peter Robinson, an ASG Security Officer at St. Johns Shopping Centre in Leeds has recently been nominated for the centre’s Super Star award. Peter is relatively new to the ASG team, having joined earlier in the year, but has already had a huge positive impact and has been an absolute asset from day one.
Peter provided exceptional support to the centre when he had the unenviable and ‘monstrous’ task of helping when the centre took delivery of an enormous automaton model of a Ruyangosaurus as part of the Leeds Jurassic Trail. Yes, you read that right Peter Robinson took on a Ruyangosaurus at St. Johns Shopping Centre – now that’s dedication!
This automaton was delivered into the centre and Peter had the responsibility of helping the Jurassic Trail team relocate this huge model from the service yard to its current position, holding centre stage just inside the centre at the Dortmund Square entrance.
Peter received personal praise from the events team regarding his support and assistance in getting the dinosaur into place and has subsequently been rewarded for his sterling service with the centre’s Super Star award for July 2022.
Steve Burns, ASG Site Manager commented on Peter’s award , “Peter is one of those people who hits the ground running, his strong work ethic was obvious from day one. Completing each task to the best of his ability as he did when confronted with a dinosaur delivery is not something you see every day.”
Peter took the opportunity to thank St. Johns and ASG management but also to praise his co-workers, saying, “I am proud to be part of this workforce and to be part of a team which demonstrates true dedication on a daily basis. ”
(In the featured image: Left to right: Peter Robinson – ASG Security Officer and Simon Downey – ASG Security Supervisor)