Ilyas Aslam, ASG Soft Services Manager, Middleton Shopping Centre.


Ilyas Aslam took the reins at the Middleton Shopping Centre when his colleague Lee Ellis moved on following a much-deserved promotion. As the ASG Soft Services Manager, Ilyas has gone from strength to strength, taking responsibility for projects like the ANPR car park system. This saw him visiting 400 individual retailers who use the car park facilities and assisting in setting them up on the RingGo app. He remains their first point of contact to resolve any associated ongoing issues with this app. Unfortunately, Ilyas has had a difficult time recently with health concerns and had to take time out to undergo medical investigations. In true Ilyas style, he didn’t let this hold him back and regularly kept in touch with staff at the shopping centre via telephone and on occasion even came into work so he could make sure the rotas and any pay issues were dealt with swiftly. So, it is no surprise that he was nominated for and ultimately won the Ashdown Philips & Partners (AP+P) Dare Devil Partners Award for June 2022.


Maria Gribben the Centre Manager at Middleton Shopping Centre commented, “Ilyas is truly a remarkable individual and an exemplary member of the team. A true professional who has remained committed to the job through a very difficult patch for him and his family. He is now back at work full-time now, and it really is great to have him back in the centre.”


Ilyas was also rewarded with a £50 Lifestyle Voucher for his dedication and willingness to take responsibility for given tasks and projects ensuring they are fulfilled professionally and to the very best of his ability. Well done, Ilyas!



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