Kirsty Williams, Mill Gate Shopping Centre Manager recently presented Dean King with his Employee of the Month award for March 2022. Dean, who is on secondment to Mill Gate has displayed his management abilities in a very short period of time, embracing and utilising the best qualities of the team, enhancing their delivery and working with them to deliver an exceptional level of performance.
Kirsty commented, “Dean joined the team recently as Dual Services Secondment Manager. He has made a big impact since he started, improving the cleaning standard by completing a deep clean ahead of schedule, and implementing additional external machine cleans. He is proactive in his leadership style and is a great team player”.
Simon Hawkins, ASG Operations Director also commented on Dean’s outstanding performance, “Dean has displayed great resolve and drive in helping the security, cleaning, and maintenance teams. The teams have always provided a top-notch service at Mill Gate, but Dean has found ways of improving performance in areas you wouldn’t have thought possible. Well done Dean, and all the Mill Gate team, we couldn’t be prouder of your delivery of services for the management, tenants and customers at The Mill Gate Shopping Centre.”

Left to Right: Mill Gate Shopping Centre Manager – Kirsty Williams presents certificate and gift card to ASG Dual Services Secondment Manager – Dean King.