ASG security and cleaning staff have just completed their Karcher training on new machinery at The Harvey Centre, Harlow. As part of our contract with them, the new machines were provided by CleanSweep and they also gave the necessary tuition. All staff received Karcher Accreditation, confirming that they have been formally trained and enabling them to get the most from this state of the art faclities management equipment, maintaining it and ensuring that downtime is minimised.
Neil Smith, ASG Regional Operations Director, commented, “The ongoing skills development program delivered by CleanSweep is a critical part of ASG’s support for staff at The Harvey Centre. The Team really took to the professional tuition as we continue to achieve best practice in cleaning and security at the shopping centre.”
Pictured are:
(left to right, rear, from the cleaning team) Mark Mulligan, Bev Johnstone, Supervisor Paul Ewart, Stuart Williams and Supervisor Scott Wright (mounted on the machine).

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